Tuesday, April 29, 2008

The Gupta Experience Day 3 (July 5, 450CE)

The next destination on my adventure filled expedition was to Ujjain of the Gupta to explore the literature of these well established people. The humid, and warm weather didn't hold me back from the untold stories ahead. The rocky, hilly, dry, and brown earth gave me a feel for the empire like any empire with rocky problems, and times. The cloudless sky prompted this day and the view of the nearby mountain ranges brought a cool breeze.

The writers and authors of the Gupta wrote literature such as plays, poetry, fables, religious texts, and legal texts just like the advanced society of today's world. Two famous dramatists of the time were Shudraka and Vishakhadatta. These dramatists wrote comedies, satires, historical, and political dramas to entertain and inform the citizens. Maybe theses dramatists were like the Shakespeare of England, and I thought that there was no better writer than myself. (yeah right) A historian by the name of Raja informed me of two great works of the Gupta people know as Mahaburata which was a well known work of poetry, and the Puranas which were religious texts of the time. Another well known text of the Gupta I found out about were the Dharmasastras, which were legal texts recording basic Hindu laws. The literature of this time mirrors some of the great works of today. While on this part of the expedition I "attempted" to write the ancient language, and found out I actually was a half descant writer. Coming soon to blog....the next portion of the Gupta Experience.

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