Tuesday, April 29, 2008

The Gupta Experience Day 4 (July 6, 450CE)

The next site of this adventure is Bakshali, a land on the shores of the Indus River surrounded by three different mountain ranges making the land rocky. The land itself is hot and dry, so a water bottle or Gatorade would be a good thing to carry along the way. In this land of the mountains I studied the ancient works of mathematics.
I first stopped at local school and sought out to find who started this concept of math. I was told by the well informed students, especially a young boy name Jesus that a man by the name of Aryabhata developed works of geometry, algebra, and the dreaded trigonometry. So kids now you know where some of your "loved" schoolwork has originated from. This man has also helped to understand the concept of zero and the numbers one through nine. This man also produced decimal and fractions which we also use today. But still the Gupta numbers come from the original Arabic numbers, transferred to Europe by Muslim traders. Don't change blogs...I'll be right back with more from the Gupta Experience.

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